The Andalusian Tourism Decree-Law 13/2020, of 18th May, which, among others, establishes measures relating to hotel establishments, includes in its Chapter I the organisation of these establishments, as well as the regulation of their technical conditions and the provision of services.
1 Published in the Official Gazette of the Andalusian Regional Government, Extraordinary No. 27, 18 May 2020.
2 Law 13/2011 of 23 December 2011 on Tourism in Andalusia.
In this regard, Article 25 of the aforementioned Decree-Law provides as follows:
Hotel establishments shall have an internal regime regulation which shall establish mandatory rules for users during their stay, without contravening the provisions of Law 13/2011, of 23 December, on Tourism in Andalusia.
The internal regulations shall always be available to users and shall be displayed, at least in Spanish and English, in a visible and easily accessible place in the establishment. These regulations shall be publicised on the establishment’s own website, if it exists.
The companies operating the hotel establishments may request the assistance of the Security Forces and Corps to evict from the same those who do not comply with the internal regulations, do not comply with the usual rules of social coexistence or seek to access or remain in the same for a purpose other than the normal use of the service, in accordance with the provisions of article 36.4 of Law 13/2011, of 23 December.
The rules of procedure shall specify, as a minimum:
a) The conditions for admission.
b) The rules of coexistence and operation.
c) Information on the administrative organisation and the responsible person to whom, where appropriate, questions relating to the operation of the establishment should be addressed.
d) List of complementary services provided by companies other than the operating entity and identification of the companies responsible for their provision.
e) Information to users on the facilities or services that pose a risk and the safety measures adopted in this respect.
f) Admission of animals and conditions for such admission.
g) In general, all circumstances that allow and favour the normal development of the enjoyment of the facilities, equipment and services.
In compliance with and development of the aforementioned Decree-Law, this hotel establishment has drawn up these Internal Regulations, which set out the rules of obligatory compliance for users during their stay, hereinafter referred to as Clients.
These Regulations are available to you, as a Client, at all times in both the English and Spanish language versions.
Conditions of admission
Article 1.- Conditions of admission.
1.1.- This Hotel is considered, for all purposes, an establishment for public use, although admission or stay may be refused:
a) Lack of accommodation capacity or facilities.
b) Failure to comply with the admission requirements.
c) For adopting behaviour that may cause danger or disturbance to other people, whether they are users or not, or that hinder the normal development of the activity.
1.2.- Our establishment will request the assistance of the Security Forces and Bodies to evict those who do not comply with these Internal Regulations; who do not comply with the usual rules of social coexistence; or who try to enter or remain in the Hotel for purposes other than the normal use of the service.
Article 2.- Admission requirements.
2.1.- In order to make use of the hotel room, it will be a prerequisite to properly complete the admission document upon arrival at the Hotel; at that moment, the guest will be informed of his/her rights and obligations as a Client, as well as of the existence of the present Internal Regulations.
2.2.- When filling in the admission document, you must present an official document that identifies you and which will also be used by the Hotel to fill in the corresponding entry form in accordance with the current regulations on registration books and entry forms for travellers.
2.3.- Once the admission document has been completed, you will be given a copy of it, which will include, at least, the name, classification and registration code in the Andalusian Tourism Register of the establishment, the identification of the room, the number of people who will occupy it, the dates of arrival and departure, the contracted dietary regime and, when the accommodation contract has been signed directly between you and the hotel, the total price of the contracted stay, in which case you will be given the corresponding original document as a contract.
Article 3.- Rights.
Your rights as a Client of this establishment are as follows
a) To receive truthful, sufficient, comprehensible, unequivocal information, and prior to contracting the period of accommodation, as well as the full final price, including taxes, with a breakdown, where appropriate, of the amount of any increases or discounts that may be applicable to any eventual offer.
b) Obtain the documents that accredit the terms of the contract.
c) Access to our establishment under the contracted terms.
d) Receive the services under the agreed conditions.
e) To have their security and that of their belongings duly guaranteed in our Hotel, as well as their privacy; and to be informed of any circumstantial inconvenience that may alter their rest and tranquillity.
f) Receive information about the facilities or services that pose a risk and the safety measures adopted.
g) Receive an invoice or receipt for the price paid for the services provided.
h) Formulate complaints and claims and obtain information on the procedure for presenting them and their treatment.
i) To consult the terms of the privacy policy published on our website.
Article 4.- Obligations.
As a Client of this establishment, you have the following obligations:
To observe the rules of coexistence and hygiene.
Respect the present rules and regulations.
To respect the agreed date of departure from the establishment, leaving the room free.
To pay for the services contracted at the time of presentation of the invoice or within the agreed period, without the fact of presenting a complaint implying exemption from payment.
To respect this establishment, its facilities and equipment.
To respect the environment.
To respect the areas and facilities restricted due to age, or contracted rates.
Rules of operation and coexistence
Article 5.- Reservation.
5.1.- All reservations will include the date of the stay, number and type of room with its diet, cancellation policy and complementary services additionally contracted; also stating the total price and broken down for each of these concepts, unless it has been offered as a package at a global price agreed.
5.2.- Prior to making your reservation and by the same means used to make it, or any other means you choose, you will be informed of your rights and obligations, among others, of the cancellation policy of said reservation, which will be in accordance with the following conditions:
a) If the booking is cancelled with less than one day’s notice, you will be required to pay one night’s stay for every ten or fraction thereof.
b) If you leave the reserved room before the date up to which it was reserved, you will be billed for the services rendered up to that moment plus a penalty of one night for every ten or fraction of the stays not carried out.
c) In the case of non-refundable rates, the previously agreed conditions shall apply.
d) If the cancellation of the reservation is due to circumstances of force majeure, including a health crisis or emergency situation affecting your place of residence or the place where this establishment is located, the provisions of paragraphs a) and b) shall not apply, but you will receive a voucher, with an expiry date of one year, to stay at another time and under the same conditions, albeit subject to availability.
5.3.- Our confirmation of your reservation will be considered as a tourist accommodation contract; a physical or electronic record will be available to you.
5.4.- When you have obtained confirmation of your reservation, we will provide you with the type of room reserved on the agreed date.
5.5.a. – If we confirm your reservation without requiring any advance payment as a deposit, it will be held until the agreed time, and in the event that it has not been agreed, the reservation will be held until 11 p.m. on the agreed date.
5.5.b.- If you have paid the deposit as a deposit, your booking will be held without any time limit for the number of days covered by the amount of the deposit, unless otherwise agreed.
Article 6.- Price.
6.1.- You, as a Client, must pay for the contracted services at the time of presentation of the invoice or within the agreed period, without the fact of presenting a claim implying exemption from payment. In the case of stays of more than one week, the services may be invoiced on a weekly basis.
6.2.- Payment of the price may be made by bank transfer; bank payment by sending a secure payment link, or in cash up to the quantitative limit in force at any given time in accordance with the law.
This hotel establishment only accepts the following bank cards: VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, MAESTRO and DINERS CLUB.
6.3.- In the event that payment for the services is required prior to the provision of the same, we will expressly state this in the confirmation of your reservation.
6.4 .- In case of requesting the details of your bank card; the email will state whether it is used as a guarantee of performance of the contract or as an advance payment.
6.5.- We reserve the right to require that, when making a reservation, you make an advance payment of the price as a deposit, which will be understood as payment on account of the amount resulting from the services provided.
Article 7.- Period of occupation.
7.1.- As a client, you will have the right to occupy the room from 16:00 hours on the first day of the contracted period until 12:00 hours on the day indicated as the date of departure. On dates of maximum occupancy of the establishment, the delivery of your room may be delayed for a period of time not exceeding two hours.
7.2.- Unless otherwise agreed, the prolongation in the occupation of your room for longer than the contracted time will generate the obligation to pay the amount established for “late check-out”.
7.3.- You may stay longer than the number of days specified in the admission document, provided that prior agreement has been reached on the basis of availability. In case of agreement, it will be understood as an extension of the first contract and it will be stated in the same admission document.
7.4.- The occupation and stay of two people in a double room that has been contracted as a single room will not be permitted. In this case, the rate established for double use shall be paid.
Article 8.- Safety deposit box and room safe service.
8.1. The rooms of this establishment are equipped with a safe with a rental cost of the same, within the price of your room.
8.2.- Our establishment will respond according to the civil liability policy of the insurance company contracted by the establishment, in case of money or valuables deposited in the safe of the room.
8.3.- Our Hotel is not responsible for the loss or theft of money or valuables that are not deposited in the safe of the room.
Article 9.- Room cleaning service.
The room cleaning service is daily, from 7:00 to 23:00 hours.
Article 10.- Prohibitions.
10.1.- The occupation and stay of two people in a double room contracted as a single room is not permitted. In this case, the rate fixed for double use will be paid.
10.2.- Smoking is prohibited throughout the establishment, with the exception of the areas set aside for this purpose.
10.3.- It is forbidden to bring food or drinks into our Hotel to be consumed inside it.
10.4.- It is forbidden to hang towels or any other garment on the railings of the terraces of the rooms.
Article 11.- Limitations.
11.1.- Access to an area or installation of the Hotel will be limited:
a) When the established capacity has been reached and in the meantime, there is no access available in accordance with said capacity.
b) When the closing time of the area or facility has been exceeded.
c) When they are under the minimum age established for access to the area or facility in accordance with the regulations in force.
d) When violent attitudes are shown or manifested, especially when behaving aggressively or provoking altercations.
e) When it causes situations of danger or nuisance to other users or does not meet the conditions of hygiene.
In particular, persons who are using drugs, narcotics or psychotropic substances, or who show signs of having used them, and those who show signs of obvious signs of being intoxicated, shall be denied access or, where appropriate, shall be prevented from staying.
f) When wearing clothes or symbols that incite violence, racism or xenophobia, as well as when not wearing the required clothing according to the area or facility.
11.2.- This establishment may request the assistance of the Security Forces and Bodies to evict those who do not comply with any of the limitations listed in the previous section.
11.3.- The Client who finds himself/herself in any of the situations foreseen in section 9.1 of this article is obliged to pay the expenses incurred up to the moment of the prohibition of access to or stay in the area or installation of the Hotel.
Article 12.- Basic rules on clothing and cleaning.
12.1.- Except for the Spa area, the Client shall be covered with clothing and in accordance with the etiquette required for some services, such as dinner.
12.2.- It is forbidden to walk barefoot in the establishment, apart from the Spa area, although the use of flip-flops is recommended.
12.3.- The litter bins and ashtrays must be used.
Article 13.- Tips and suggestions
1. Watch and control your luggage and belongings. Do not leave it unattended.
2. Keep the door closed when you are in your room. Close the door to your room when you leave it and try to open it again to make sure it is properly closed, even if you are only gone for a short time.
3. Lock your luggage when you are not using it and put it in your locker. If your luggage has a lock, always use it.
4. Never display jewellery, money or valuables in your room.
5. Immediately notify the Hotel Management of any abnormal occurrence you notice such as: suspicious persons in the corridor, repeated telephone calls from unidentified persons, knocks on your room door from persons unknown to you, or not finding anyone at the door when you go to open it.
6. If you forget or lose your key, only the Reception staff is authorised to provide you with a new key to open your room.
7. In case of smoking on the terrace of the room, our security measures require you to put out your cigarette before retiring to rest.
8. Please do not be annoyed if you are asked at Reception to identify yourself when requesting a new key, it is for your security.
9. When socializing with strangers, do not reveal the name of the Establishment or your room number.
10. Never allow people into your room with unsolicited deliveries.
11. Never discuss specific plans for future excursions, outings, etc., in public or with strangers.
12. If you wish to have your room repaired, hang the notice “Please repair room” on the outside of your room door. If you wish not to be disturbed, hang the notice “Please do not disturb”.
13. If you discover any damage or anomaly, please contact Reception.
14. The electrical installation in your room is 220 Volts.
15. Respect the areas in which the rooms are located during the night and napping hours, and in general, avoid making unnecessary noise.
16. Please use the facilities appropriately, respecting the Hotel furniture.
17. Please respect the opening hours of all the Hotel facilities.
18. We thank you for your participation if, during your stay in the establishment, any fire and evacuation drill is carried out.
19. Some opening hours may change depending on the time of year.
Information on the administrative organization of the hotel
Article 14.- Doubts and miscellaneous questions.
In all cases in which doubts or questions arise regarding the operation of our Hotel, you may contact the Reception or Concierge staff, where they will resolve them or, failing that, they will contact the staff authorized to resolve your question or doubt; the Hotel Manager being the person in charge of the Hotel.
Information on complementary services other than those provided directly by the Hotel
Article 15.- Services provided by third parties.
15.1.- Our establishment offers excursions, various services and experiences provided by companies other than the Hotel operator, which you can find out about at Reception.
15.2.- This Hotel is not responsible for the services provided by companies other than the operator of this establishment.
Information on other services provided directly by the Hotel
Article 16.- Services provided by the Hotel
16.1.- This Hotel offers the following services to the Clients: Parking and Garage; Laundry-Dry Cleaning; Restaurant, Bar and Roof Terrace; Spa and Meeting Room.
16.2.- The rules for the use of each service are as follows:
In your room you will find information about the conditions of these services, their prices and timetables for the delivery and return of garments.
This establishment is not responsible for garments that, due to the conditions or composition of use, shrink, discolor, or deteriorate.
This service is available exclusively for Hotel users and subject to the availability of parking spaces.
This service is subject to the payment of a single daily fee per parked vehicle, amounting to € 30.00 per day.
When parking the vehicle, only one parking space must be occupied.
The use of the disabled parking area must be justified by showing the required card inside the vehicle.
The use of the parking area for electric vehicles must be requested by prior reservation at Reception. This parking area is reserved exclusively for this type of vehicle, so the area must be left free for the electric charging of these vehicles.
For security reasons, vehicles are not allowed to park at the main entrance of the Hotel. They may only be used during the loading and unloading of luggage.
The opening hours of the buffet restaurant for breakfast use are from 07:30 h. to 10:30 h. (Monday to Sunday).
The times indicated may be modified due to occupancy and operational reasons.
In the rest of the Hotel’s restaurant areas, please check opening hours at Reception as they vary depending on the season.
Room service opening hours are 24 hours. As stipulated in the menu, this service has an increase of 7,50€ on the prices of the menu itself.
Pets are not allowed:
– Pets in the bar and restaurant area.
This service is subject to payment of fees according to the treatment to be contracted.
The Spa provides services every day of the week according to the following schedule:
Monday to Sunday: 09:00 h. to 22:00 h.
The use of the Spa for minors without adult supervision is prohibited.
To cancel a reservation it is necessary to notify the Spa Reception two hours in advance; otherwise, 50% of the room rate will be charged to the room. In the event that the Spa is closed two hours before, you must inform the Hotel Reception, indicating the room number and the number of people for whom the circuit has been booked and who cannot attend.
Information to the users about the facilities or services that involve a risk and the safety measures adopted in this respect.
Article 17.- Safety of facilities and services.
17.1.- All the facilities or services of our Hotel are equipped with measures that favour or guarantee your safety at all times.
17.2.- However, if you consider that the use of any facility or service may pose any risk to your health or physical integrity, we kindly ask you to contact our Reception so that they can inform you and dispel any questions you may have in this regard.
Emergencies or health crises
Article 18.- Protocols for action in the event of emergencies or health crises.
18.1.- In the event that the Authorities declare an emergency or health crisis situation, please visit our website or our reception immediately so that, as a Client, you are aware of the measures to be adopted and comply with them.
18.2.- The Client who, in an emergency or health crisis situation declared by the Authorities, fails to comply with the measures, obligatory or recommended, that have been adopted in this Establishment may cause the immediate termination of their accommodation contract; their stay being cancelled without the right to any refund, and with notice to the competent Authority.
Experimenta la magia invernal de Seda Club Hotel, alojándote en el corazón de Granada, y realiza una escapada a Sierra Nevada, una de las estaciones de esquí con mayor número de kilómetros esquiables de toda España. Este exclusivo paquete combina el lujo y confort de nuestro hotel con la emoción de la nieve, brindando una inmersión totalmente personalizada.
La experiencia tiene un coste aproximado de 680€ para 2 personas y día.
La disponibilidad es limitada y se recomienda reservar con un mínimo de 3 días de antelación para asegurar tu plaza.
Esta promoción está sujeta a las condiciones meteorológicas que presenta el deporte de alta montaña.
Estaremos encantados de gestionar servicios personalizados para su reserva, por favor contáctanos directamente.
Book now
On 25 and 31 December only the Christmas Dream and New Year’s Eve Gala menus will be available and there will be no à la carte service.